The Great Hall
The set for the Great Hall was built in 2000 for Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone and made an appearance in every other movie. It’s most famous for its four long tables and the ceiling, which through visual effects was transformed into the night sky. You’ll be hurried through the Great Hall, so make sure to look around quickly since you won’t be able to linger. There are lots of details to see, including costumes from each Hogwarts house, the house points counter, and costumes worn by Dumbledore, Hagrid, and Professor Snape.The Forbidden Forest
A forest, inside? Yes! Some of the filming for scenes set in the Forbidden Forest was completed outdoors, but the parts which featured Aragog’s lair were shot inside on this atmospheric set. Inside you’ll see moving hippogriffs, spiders, and the gnarled roots of 12-foot tall trees. This set features dry ice to create the impression of fog on the ground, so it might make younger children a bit nervous. There’s also an option to skip past the spiders in case you’re as arachnophobic as Ron Weasley.The Hogwarts Express
Platform 9¾ is one of the most iconic sets of the Harry Potter universe, since here the magic starts at the beginning of each school year. The Hogwarts Express whistles and steams as you explore its carriages, which are set up to look as they did in each of the seven movies it featured in, complete with magical candy and Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s props. While most of the scenes shot at the platform were really filmed at King’s Cross Station in London, all of the interior train shots were completed at Leavesden.Diagon Alley
The Diagon Alley set was Harry Potter’s first glimpse into the magical world, accompanied by Hagrid in the Sorceror’s Stone. It changed a lot over the years of filming, and it was also reused as Hogsmeade, the village near Hogwarts, in some of the later movies. Spot storefronts from the books, including Florean Fortescue’s ice cream parlor, Flourish & Blotts, and Ollivander’s wand shop, plus Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes. At the very end of the street, you’ll find the imposing Gringotts Wizarding Bank.