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Hannah Gottlieb-Kettl

Hannah Gottlieb-Kettl

Hannah is an enthusiastic globetrotter. Her love of discovering new places has taken her to almost every continent on our planet. Hannah now shares this great passion with the world as a content creator. In her writing, she provides impressive insights and combines her travel experiences with lots of useful tips.
Always aiming high | Ballunspitze via ferrata, Tyrol

Who I Am

The answer to this question is actually constantly changing for me and I like to reinvent myself. What I can definitely say is that I am a global citizen and always open to new discoveries and adventures. However, I could not say what kind of traveller I am. Yes, I live primarily for individual travel and road trips. If you need to cover a few hundred kilometres in a day, driving through breathtaking landscapes and discovering great new places, I am undoubtedly the perfect candidate. But I can also be thrilled by a well-planned city break or a relaxing beach holiday.

I love both writing and travelling and at some point I decided to combine these two passions in my blog. This is how the Soulprint Destinations was born and how I came to TicketLens. I want to motivate and inspire people and support others with sound advice on their individual journeys.
Alfie & me | Kangaroo Island, Australia

What fascinates me

What defines me is my love for animals and the underwater world, which is reflected in my travels. In Australia I had the opportunity to swim with wild dolphins and seals, which was definitely one of the most magical moments of my life. As I also love snorkelling and find it hard to resist the fascination of the underwater world, snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef and in the Maldives has been an absolute highlight of my travels so far.
An Oasis of Peace | Rhodes, Greece

Where My Soul Finds Peace

The destination where my mind and soul can find peace is definitely Greece. I have only recently discovered the country for myself and have never been to a place that is so completely in tune with my whole being. I love the Greek mentality, the culture and the beautiful nature - both on land and underwater. It is the only place where I can really relax and just 'be'. I can also indulge in a passion that is often neglected in everyday life or on other travels: reading. Having the time to read a whole book in one day is a luxury for me. Because: 'A thriller a day, keeps the doctor away!'
Always Action in New York City | Central Park, NYC

Where My Heart Is Home

My heart speaks its very own language. As much as I love the slow and unspoilt Greece, my heart longs for the vibrant, constantly reinventing life of New York. New York is simply my city. Even though crowds are not my thing, the American lifestyle is. I like the simplicity, the individuality and the openness that I think Americans have. In the USA I always feel that anything is possible ;-)
South Kensington | London, UK

Where I spend my time most often

I am usually in London at least once a year - often twice. London is a city where I now feel at home, even though I could never have imagined living here. We have our 'neighbourhood' South Kensington, our favourite restaurants The Real Greek and Nando's and we are just super quick everywhere in the city. For me, it's just something special when you've seen all the sights and a certain 'everyday' sets in - and you can just let yourself drift in such an extraordinary city.
Queen of the Rainforest | Ubud, Bali

What's on My Bucket List

Despite having seen so many countries and cities, my bucket list is still pretty full. First and foremost are New Zealand and Japan, both of which are my absolute dream destinations. I have to visit New Zealand because of its stunning nature and my affinity for J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings', Japan has its place on the list because of its unique culture and the wonderful historical places to explore.
However, as we are soon to become dog parents, the bucket list has changed accordingly and we will be starting our first attempts with campervans in Northern Europe. Norway and Sweden are at the top of our list.


My favorite travel destination is … New York.
The best time to travel for me is … the off-season.
A place I would revisit time and again is … Rhodes.
My ultimate dream destination is … New Zealand.
The best food I had was in … Greece!
My favorite travel photo shows … me with Koala Alfie in my arms.
I never travel without … my Beats.
My funniest travel experience was … an encounter with a hermit crab.
My travel planning always starts with … a random idea or a feeling.
I prefer to travel by … airplane.
My travel motto is … 'Be spontaneous!'
One thing I've learned from traveling is … to have more patience.
My biggest adventure so far was … swimming with wild dolphins.
The most beautiful sunset was in … Tyrol.
Traveling means to me … absolute freedom.
The best beach I have ever visited is … Whitehaven Beach.
My favorite travel guide is … TicketLens ;-)
I always collect on trips … thousands of photos and a magnet.
The most impressive landscape I have seen was … underwater (Great Barrier Reef).
A country that completely surprised me is … Greece.
The friendliest people I met were in … South Africa.
My favorite travel movie is … Terminal.
A book that accompanies me on my travels is … always the latest thriller.
The most comfortable flight I had was with … Qatar in Business Class.
The best travel souvenir I bought was … 'Sir Corgi'.
A city I would move to immediately is … Tromsø or Reine.
The most exciting means of transport I used was … the night train to Venice.
The most beautiful national park I visited is … Niagara Falls State Park.
I can never resist shopping in … London.
A destination I would recommend to everyone is … Australia.
My favorite travel companion is … my husband.
The most exotic food I've tried was … Kopi Luwak.
A language I would like to learn is … Japanese.
The most exciting market I visited was in … Cape Town.
My best travel deal was … an upgrade to Business Class ;-)
The most unusual place I've slept is … a treehouse hostel in Cairns.
The most beautiful hotel I've stayed in was in … Cape Town.
An unexpected friendship I made was on … Bali.
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