The City of ‘Pisa’ - Short Facts and Figures
Today, Pisa has about 90,500 inhabitants and is one of the most popular cities in Tuscany. The University of Pisa makes it a lively student city, which is best discovered on a stroll.
It is believed that Pisa was founded by the Greeks in the 7th or 6th century BC and later settled by the Etruscans. Due to its favorable location on the Tuscan coast, the city became a maritime power in the 10th century CE and developed a thriving trade fleet. Pisa established trade routes to North Africa, the Byzantine Empire, and the Middle East, making it an important trading center. Its ships transported not only goods, but also culture and ideas, leading to cultural exchange and a flourishing economy. However, in the 12th century CE, Pisa began to decline losing to the Genoese fleet in the Battle of Meloria. The Medici rebuilt Pisa, including the university under the rule of Florence, from 1406 CE. Even Galileo Galilei once taught at the renowned university.